In honor of Valentine’s Day (tomorrow!), I’d like to share five things I love about my family right now.
This is a bit of a risky proposition, or at least my husband thinks so. When I asked John to brainstorm with me, told him about this post idea, he tried to dissuade me: “that might sound a bit braggy,” was his view.
In my mind, it’s the furthest thing. I know the Thomas family is nothing special. We are learning and growing just like everyone else. We fall short and flounder and fail daily.
We are also miraculous, a wonder, a perfectly unrepeatable phenomenon. And so is your family.
That’s what makes this exercise neat. Before we get into my five things, here are a few reasons why I’d encourage you to write your own list this week:
1. It encourages you to see your family as a unit.
I can think of plenty of things I love about each individual member of the Thomas crew, but it’s harder to put my finger on what makes the group special. It’s a question worth wrestling with, though, because when you take the time to name what you love and what’s unique about your family, it solidifies your family’s identity. And when an identity is clear, it’s easier to rally around. Belonging is a deep need for kids and teens, and seeing their family as a vibrant group — one that needs and wants them! — helps meet that need.