Oct 3Liked by Emily Thomas

Love this post. I'm so passionate about reading aloud to my kiddos and have done it ever since my 9.5 year old son was a few months old. My son and I have been reading chapter books for a few years now. He's a very voracious reader and has just recently started preferring to just have his own reading time each evening which is kind of sad, but I think we just need to find another book that grabs his (and my) interest the same way the Harry Potter series did ... he's feeling a bit like no books will measure up to those! But I've just started reading chapter books to my 5y/o daughter and I suggested to him that he come and join and he hasn't missed a chapter yet! We're reading The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White and we're all enjoying it so far - its no Harry Potter but it's such a sweet story, I think I like it more than Charlotte's Web so far!

My parents were deaf, so reading aloud wasn't part of my childhood but I loved reading growing up, and I occasionally read aloud books to my younger sisters. I can't really explain why I feel so passionately about reading aloud to my kids. There are just so so many benefits to it, not least of all the connection you share as you read together ❤️

Would love to see a list of read aloud chapter book recommendations!

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Love these reflections, friend! Chapter book recommendations coming up, but in the meantime you can see the first installment here! https://emformarvelous.com/our-favorite-family-read-alouds-part-one/

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Oct 3Liked by Emily Thomas

Such a great post! My parents never read aloud to me beyond the picture book years, but this is something I would love to stick to with my kids as they grow older. At this current stage of life I find that by the time it is bedtime we (the kids or myself!) are a little too maxed out for anything other than a short picture book. But several mornings a week the kids might wake up early and come downstairs where I am reading my Bible and will join me to read aloud Little Pilgrims Progress. Those early morning times are so special! We also will listen to a lot of audio books in the car or while doing simple things around the house (coloring, folding laundry together, etc.). We are listening through the whole Little House series and while I am not reading it aloud to them, I feel like it has a lot of the same benefits you mentioned as a shared literary experience! I loved reading other's recommendations in the comments!

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We are still working our way through Little Pilgrim's Progress in the mornings! Hoping to finish it by the end of November so that we can read the new version of A Christmas Carol by the same illustrator!

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Oct 4Liked by Emily Thomas

I just saw A Christmas Carol recently - so cool!! I feel like the illustrations every few pages have helped keep my younger listeners engaged!

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Emily Thomas

Love this. My mom read aloud to my brother and I well into middle school... maybe even high school? And I loved it and those are "core memories" in so many ways. It's funny because when I think of reading aloud to my kids, I think of 4th-8th grade, not young children (though I certainly read aloud to them now and love it too).

Some of my favorite read-alouds as an older were The Witch of Blackbird Pond; Carry on, Mr. Bowditch; The Door in the Wall; and the Golden Goblet.

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Love this, Abigail!! And thank you for those read aloud suggestions - some new ones for me!

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Oct 3Liked by Emily Thomas

Can’t wait to hear the list of books! We were doing this with our 8 year old and 5 year old but fell out of practice. We loved fudgamania!

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For us, the key is definitely choosing books we can't WAIT to get back into - we somehow always find time if we all are desperate to see what happens next! :)

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Oct 3Liked by Emily Thomas

Yes! Yes! Yes! We are the same friend!

Have I ever told you my mom still reads aloud to us and I am nearing 40?! On mornings before the kids wake up while we are having our coffee, she'll regularly ask to read aloud a psalm or a devotion to start our day. So it was never a thought that I wouldn't read to my kids as long as they would sit and let me read to them. It's such a joy and Laura (10) still says it's her favorite way to end a day. My favorite read aloud to date it Anne Of Green Gables for all of the reasons you mentioned above! A close second is The Wingfeather Saga which we are in the midst of now! :-)

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Love this so much ❤️ Hoping to read Anne of Green Gables in the spring!

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